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Universities of applied sciences

In addition to the traditional universities, Switzerland also has a second type of university, namely the universities of applied sciences. These offer practice-oriented and application-oriented degree programmes which lead to professional qualifications. They provide practice-oriented degree programmes at Bachelor level and Master level in different specialist areas, and a wide range of continuing education and training programmes. There are nine regional public universities of applied sciences and one private university of applied sciences.

In particular, universities of applied sciences provide access to study at tertiary level for professionals who have completed vocational education and training (VET) and hold a Federal Vocational Baccalaureate or graduates holding a Specialised Baccalaurate.

The remit of the universities of applied sciences comprises teaching (initial and continuing education and training) , application-oriented research and development, services for third parties, and cooperation with universities and research institutes in Switzerland and abroad. Due to their practice-oriented degree programmes and their research oriented towards occupational fields, the universities of teacher education are classed as universities of applied sciences.

Terms of admission

Education and certificates
